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Anglais pour Enfants Niveau III : Noms Anglais  

Kids English Level III

Juste Un Mot (Just One Word)

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Essayez le Quizz : Livres d'Anglais pour Enfants (Kids English) III : Juste Un Mot (Just One Word)

About Button apid Juste ce que vous devez savoir!

alienforeigner or stranger
anglerperson who goes fishing with rod
apiaryplace where bees are kept
artistperson who draws or paints pictures
authorperson who has written a book
aviaryplace where birds are kept
blondewoman with light-colored hair
choirband of people who sing together
couplepair who is engaged or married
cousinchild of one's aunt or uncle
debtorperson who owes money
donorperson who gives something
drakemasculine of duck
dukemasculine of duchess
dwarfstunted or undersized person
ediblefit to be eaten
enemy, foeperson who is hostile to you
gandermale goose
geniusperson with exceptional intelligence
ghostdead person appearing to the living
giantbeing of superhuman size
grocerperson who sells rice, sugar and tea
hermitperson living in solitude
hunterperson who kills animals for food/sport
infantbaby or young child
jockeyperson who rides in horse races
judgeperson who decides cases in law court
lawyerperson pursuing law as a profession
maniacperson affected by madness or craze
matronchief nurse in a hospital
memberperson who belongs to a group or society
mimicperson good at imitating others
miserperson who likes to hoard money
modelperson employed by artist to pose
nativeperson born in a certain place
nephewmasculine of niece
niecedaughter of one's sister or brother
nomad, vagabondperson who wanders and has no fixed home
opaqueincapable of being seen through
orphanchild without parent(s)
peahenfeminine of peacock
pirateperson on the sea who robs other ships
porterperson employed to carry burdens
priestperson who conducts religious ceremonies
pupil, studentperson being taught
rival, competitorperson who competes with another
sailorperson who works on a ship or seaman
tailorperson who stitches clothes
tenantperson who rents house or land
uncleparent's brother
vandalperson who damages public property
waiterattendant at table in restaurant
weaverperson who makes cloth
widowwoman whose husband is dead

Essayez le Quizz : Livres d'Anglais pour Enfants (Kids English) III : Juste Un Mot (Just One Word)

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