Essayez le Quizz : Juste Un Mot (Just One Word)
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UN MOT (ONE WORD) | DESCRIPTION (DESCRIPTION) | aunt, aunty | wife of one's uncle | bull | male of the cow | baby | very young child | boy | male child | calf | young one of a cow | calf | young one of an elephant | calf | young one of a whale | cock | male chicken | cook | person who prepares food for eating | cow | female of a bull | cub | young one of a bear | cub | young one of a fox | cub | young one of a lion | cub | young one of a tiger | cub | young one of a wolf | dam | wall built to stop flowing water | deer | male of a doe | doe | female deer | dog | male of the bitch | draw | situation in game where no side wins | drey | squirrel's nest | duet | piece of music for two voices | elf | small fairy with pointed ears | ewe | feminine of ram | foal, colt | masculine of filly | fold | enclosure for sheep | fool, idiot | silly or stupid person | girl | female child | heir | masculine of heiress | hen | female chicken | hero | masculine of heroine | hive | home for bees | host | person who entertains guests | joey | young one of a kangaroo | kid | young one of a goat | king | masculine of queen | lady, madam | polite word for a woman | lamb | young one of sheep | liar | person who tells lies | lion | masculine of lioness | lord | masculine of lady | maid | woman servant | man | masculine of woman | mare | female of a horse | monk | masculine of nun | nun | feminine of monk | pig | male of sow | poet | writer of poems and verse | ram | masculine of ewe | sage | person credited with great wisdom | sir | polite word for a man | sow | female pig | sty | place where pigs are kept | twin | one of two children born at same time | web | net of thin threads made by spider | wife | feminine of husband | |  |
Essayez le Quizz : Juste Un Mot (Just One Word)