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Essayez le Quizz : Verbes Anglais (Verbs - Doing Words) I
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Les Mots d'Action (verbes) nous aident à dire ce que les gens et les animaux sont en train de faire.
(Doing words (verbs) help us say what people and animals are doing).
On ajoute simplement un "ing" au mot à faire. (ex., climb) dans quelques phrases.
(We simply add "ing" to the doing word (e.g., climb) in some sentences).
Exemple: The snail is climbing up the wall. (L'escargot monte le mur.)
(climb = verbe ; climbing = participe présent)
On répète la dernière lettre lorsqu'on ajoute "ing" aux certains mots à faire (ex., slip).
(We repeat the last letter when we add "ing" to some doing words (e.g., slip).
Exemple: The snail is slipping down the wall. (L'escargot glisse du mur.)
(slip = verbe ; slipping = participe présent)
Question | Réponse | Explication en Français |
The woodcutter is _______ blocks of wood. (chop) | chopping | Le bûcheron coupe les blocs de bois. chopping (chop)
The children are _______ happily. (clap) | clapping | Les enfants applaudissent joyeusement. clapping (clap) |
Harry is _______ with his friend. (chat) | chatting | Harry bavarde avec son ami. chatting (chat)
Paul is _______ football. (play) | playing | Paul joue au fooftball. playing (play)
Peter is _______ after the puppy. (run) | running | Peter court après le chiot. running (run)
Jane is _______ on a small stool. (sit) | sitting | Jane s'est assise sur un petit tabouret. sitting (sit)
Roger is _______ a cup of hot chocolate. (sip) | sipping | Roger sirote une tasse de chocolat chaud. sipping (sip)
The bus will be _______ at the junction. (stop) | stopping | Le bus sera arrêter à la jonction. stopping (stop)
Karen is _______ in the pool. (swim) | swimming | Karen nage dans la piscine. swimming (swim) |
Sam's dog is _______ its tail. (wag) | wagging | Le chien de Sam remue sa queue. wagging (wag)
The dog is _______ at a stranger. (bark) | barking | Le chien aboye à un étranger. barking (bake)
The maid is _______ water from the well. (draw) | drawing | La femme de chambre tire de l'eau du puits. drawing (draw)
Peter and Paul have gone _______. (fish) | fishing | Peter et Paul sont allés pêcher. fishing (fish)
Tim is _______ over the fence. (jump) | jumping | Tim franchit la clôture d'un bond. jumping (jump)
Diane is _______ flowers from the tree. (pluck) | plucking | Diane cueille des fleurs de l'arbre. plucking (pluck)
Essayez le Quizz : Verbes Anglais (Verbs - Doing Words) I