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SyvumLivre Grammaire Anglais 1:

Lettres Majuscules II

Capital letters II

Formats Leçon Fiche / Test Exercice Revue

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Tapez chaque phrase avec les lettres majuscules où requis.
Mettez un point final ou un point d'interrogation à la fin de chaque phrase.

Type each sentence using capital letters where needed.
Put a full stop or a question mark at the end of each sentence.

there are many animals in the zoo
Réponse: There are many animals in the zoo.
Il y a beaucoup d'animaux dans le zoo.
elephants are found in africa and india
Réponse: Elephants are found in Africa and India.
Les éléphants se trouvent en Afrique et en Inde.
how far is oakland from here
Réponse: How far is Oakland from here?
Oakland est à quelle distance d'ici ?

who stays on forbes avenue
Réponse: Who stays on Forbes Avenue?
Qui habite sur l'Avenue Forbes ?
the biggest city in illinois is chicago
Réponse: The biggest city in Illinois is Chicago.
La plus grande ville de l'Illinois est Chicago.
canberra is the capital of australia
Réponse: Canberra is the capital of Australia.
Canberra est la capitale de l'Australie.
will john be leaving for france tonight
Réponse: Will John be leaving for France tonight?
Est -ce que John va partir pour la France ce soir ?
my cousin lives in dawson street, pittsburgh
Réponse: My cousin lives in Dawson Street, Pittsburgh.
Mon cousin habite à Dawson Street, Pittsburgh.
venice is a city with many canals
Réponse: Venice is a city with many canals.
Venise est une ville avec de nombreux canaux.
florida has some good beaches
Réponse: Florida has some good beaches.
Floride a de bonnes plages.
has tim shifted from port street to squirrel hill
Réponse: Has Tim shifted from Port Street to Squirrel Hill?
Est-ce que Tom a déménagé de Port Street à Squirrel Hill ?
rome is an ancient city
Réponse: Rome is an ancient city.
Rome est une ancienne ville.
my brother was born in oslo
Réponse: My brother was born in Oslo.
Mon frère est né à Oslo.
hazel called me from cape town
Réponse: Hazel called me from Cape Town.
Hazel m'a appelé de  le Cap.
switzerland is a major tourist attraction
Réponse: Switzerland is a major tourist attraction.
La Suisse est une attraction touristique majeure.

  Essayez le Quizz :     SyvumLivre Grammaire Anglaise 1 : Les lettres Majuscules (Capital letters) II

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