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SyvumLivre Grammaire Anglais 1 : Prose

Compréhension - Prose

Prose Comprehension

Lisez le poème donné. Ensuite, tapez le bon mot (s) pour remplir les cases vides.
Read the poem given. Then type the right word(s) to fill the blanks.

Formats Leçon Fiche / Test Exercice Revue
Remplir le blanc

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Webbie's beak is _______ in color.




Nottie's friend is a duck named Webbie. Webbie has lovely yellow feathers. She
makes funny sounds when she is hungry. She flaps her small yellow wings when
Nottie feeds her. Webbie quacks softly when she is happy.

Webbie often swims in the pond near Nottie's home. She cleans herself with her
red beak. She ruffles her feathers to dry them. She waddles around Nottie's home
with her webbed feet. Webbie quacks loudly at strangers. Nottie loves Webbie very much.


L'amie de Nottie est une cane s'appelle Webbie. Webbie a de jolis plumes jaunes. Elle
fait des bruits amusants quand elle a faim. Elle bat ses ailes jaunes petits lorsque
Nottie donne lui à manger. Webbie cacane doucement quand elle est heureuse.

Webbie nage souvent dans l'étang près de la maison de Nottie. Elle nettoie elle-même avec son bec rouge.
Elle hérisse ses plumes pour les faire sécher. Elle se dandine autour de la maison de Nottie
avec ses pattes palmées. Webbie cacane fortment aux étrangers. Nottie aime
Webbie beaucoup.


Webbie ruffles her feathers to remove _______ from them.


Webbie _______ her wings when Nottie gives her food.


When Webbie is happy she _______ _______.


There is a _______ near Nottie's house.


Webbie uses her _______ to clean herself.


Nottie's friend _______ _______ at people she does not know.


Nottie's friend has _______ feet.

22 more pages in Grammaire Anglais

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