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SyvumLivre Grammaire Anglais 1 : Affirmation et Interrogation

Phrases demandantes et Phrases disantes

Asking sentences and Telling sentences

Formats Leçon Fiche / Test Exercice Revue

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Tapez chaque phrase avec un point final ou un point d'interrogation à la fin.
Type each sentence with a full stop or a question mark at the end.

The sky is very cloudy on a rainy day
Réponse: The sky is very cloudy on a rainy day.
Le ciel est très nuageux le jour pluvieux.
The young one of a dog is called a puppy
Réponse: The young one of a dog is called a puppy.
Le jeune d'un chien est appelé un chiot.
We get wool from sheep
Réponse: We get wool from sheep.
Nous obtenons de la laine de mouton.

The parrot has a red beak
Réponse: The parrot has a red beak.
Le perroquet a un bec rouge.
Rabbits have long ears
Réponse: Rabbits have long ears.
Des lapins ont de longues oreilles.
My school has a big playground
Réponse: My school has a big playground.
Mon école a une grande cour de récréation.
Sara is going to the circus with her dad
Réponse: Sara is going to the circus with her dad.
Sara va au cirque avec son père.
Sam's mother has gone to the market
Réponse: Sam's mother has gone to the market.
La mère de Sam est allé au marché.
Children like to play games
Réponse: Children like to play games.
Les enfants aiment jouer des jeux.
There are many animals on our farm
Réponse: There are many animals on our farm.
Il y a beaucoup des animaux dans notre ferme.
How did you fare in your class test
Réponse: How did you fare in your class test?
Ton test de classe, comment c'est passé?
Will you come with me to school
Réponse: Will you come with me to school?
Viens-toi à l'école avec moi?
Have you brought chocolates for me
Réponse: Have you brought chocolates for me?
As-tu apporté des chocolats pour moi?
Who is going with Sam to the beach
Réponse: Who is going with Sam to the beach?
Qui va à la plage avec Sam?
What are we having for dinner tonight
Réponse: What are we having for dinner tonight?
Qu'est-ce qu'on mange pour dîner ce soir?
Which movie did you watch today
Réponse: Which movie did you watch today?
Tu regardes quel film aujourd'hui?
Can I come to see your kitten
Réponse: Can I come to see your kitten?
Puis-je venir voir ton chaton?
Have you checked your mail this morning
Réponse: Have you checked your mail this morning?
Avez-vous vérifié votre courrier ce matin?
Why has Amy come home so late
Réponse: Why has Amy come home so late?
Pourquoi Amy rentre-t-elle si tard?
When does Tim's summer vacation begin
Réponse: When does Tim's summer vacation begin?
Quand est-ce que les vacances d'été de Tim commencent? 

  Essayez le Quizz :     Phrases Interrogatives et Affirmatives (Affirmative & Interrogative sentences)

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